Child & Family Readings

Development Analysis

The ultimate purpose of Human Design is to provide children with the possibility to grow up as their true selves and not be subjected to unhealthy conditioning. This is best achieved by helping parents understand how their child’s unique design functions and how their children can be best supported to live according to it.

The Child Development analysis reveals to the parent aspects about their child that they may otherwise wonder about. Things such as waking-sleeping patterns, food and energy intake needs, healthy and correct ways to engage their child, relationships dynamics between parent and child, and much more.

In order to truly guide their children though, it is essential that a parent experiments with their own design first so that they can personally understand the benefits of living correctly as one’s self. That is why, prior to this reading, at least one of the parents (preferably the mother) should have already received her/his Foundation Reading and started experimenting with it.  

*Prerequisite:  A Foundation Reading for the mother, and ideally for both parents

Practice Reading

Knowing the roles we play in our families and the underlying dynamics which drive the way we interact within our familial bonds can be not only liberating, but extremely helpful. Wouldn’t you want to know why certain patterns and behaviors are the way they are in your family? Wouldn’t you want to know how to navigate those difficult moments we all encounter in these powerfully interconnected relationships?

This is a reading in which more than 2 people (a family) are looked at as a unit and helped to see how each contribute certain elements to to the collective chart (Penta). 

Like with the other readings, this session will take place in Zoom as a live Keynote type presentation. After the Zoom session you will receive a downloadable video and audio recording and a printable chart.

*Prerequisite:  A Foundation Reading for both parents and ideally a Child Development Analysis for the children.

You can also have this reading if you’ve been experimenting with your design and wish to understand your family dynamics better, whether you are a parent, child, or sibling.