
why I love
human design

It’s easy to understate how incredibly helpful, relevant, practical, and fascinating this system is. All I can tell you, is that in the 15 years I have been discovering my design through experimentation, not only has my life changed in many deeply beneficial ways, but I’ve gotten to see the same changes in the lives of my family, friends, and clients. 

I don’t know about you, but I am an experiential person. I like to derive immediate, tangible, grounded, logical, and usable benefit from any information I intake, particularly when it comes to self development. 

There are many glamorous spiritualists and influencers exploiting your insecurities, promising enlightenment for the “low cost of…”, and looking to replace your own inner guidance with theirs. The thing that I love about Human Design is that it is none of that! It is a map and compass, a toolkit of information you can use right away, in your own way, without needing a coach to hold your hand through every choice. This is about how YOU are built and what is correct for YOU and you alone.   

Being an academic scholar and a long time spiritual seeker, I personally approach the process of giving readings and teaching HD from both a spiritual and  an empiric perspective. My academic studies are centered on Education and Sustainability, while my spiritual path follows the teachings of Indigenous peoples. These two dimensions of my mind and spirit give me a wide spectrum understanding in which Human Design is a perfect matching puzzle piece and an excellent tool for bridging the practical with the subtle. This is by far my most favorite aspect of Human Design as a system: its immediate applicability and usefulness regardless or fully inclusive of one’s spiritual path.

My design of a 5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator, makes it so that I find a never-ending amount of enthusiasm and energy when it comes to supporting fellow humans to undertake the journey of meeting their design. 

As for my personal agenda, if there is one “supreme” mission I’m on in teaching and sharing this system, it’s to help us Love Ourselves authentically, truly, simply, and completely! 

BASic Certifications:

Living Your Design Guide

Analyst Qualifications:

Individual Rave Analysis
Partnership Analysis 
Life Cycle Analysis
Incarnation Cross Analysis

Additional Qualifications:

Child Development Analyst
Family Practice Specialist 

** As a side note and piece of advice, I suggest that whomever you choose to work with in HD, first look them up on the IHDS website and make sure they are certified by us. There is much dilettantism and dilution out there so please protect yourself and your investment by working with someone properly trained and professional.

still curious? Want to connect more personally?